P. 177 The Art of
Non-Conformity by Chris Guillebeau
“The great secret of success is to go through life as a man
who never gets used up.” ~ Albert Schweitzer
An important principle of life planning is that you can have
anything you want, but you can’t have everything at the same time. To be able to devote most of your time to
projects and activities you enjoy, you’ll need to be forceful about dropping a
lot of other activities.
The best way to stop spending time on unnecessary
distractions is to make a “to-stop-doing list”
This is better than a to-do list, because it helps you see what is
bringing you down….
Think about the tasks that drain your energy without
contributing to anything worthwhile… the to-stop-doing list is for tasks that
bring you down without giving you joy or helping anyone else. Try to come up with at least three to five
things you currently do that drain your time and keep your focus away from more
important tasks, the principle is that many of these activities can be left
undone or removed from our weekly activities without much repercussion.
Stop spending so much time sitting at the computer. Less Facebook...no, really. Less time planning and more time doing. Less TV. Less time avoiding and procrastinating. Less time making excuses. I could get more personal on each of these but let's leave some mystery...